50th Anniversary Appeal
2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the completed church, and we invite you to contribute to a collection celebrating the occasion.
2023 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the completed church, and we invite you to contribute to a collection celebrating the occasion.
You are cordially invited to participate to the Coffee Morning after the Sunday Liturgy, dedicated to the three greatest theologians of our Church. A gathering for all ages and an opportunity to share our knowledgeon the holy life of our ecumenical teachers. We will converse and sing in their honour whilst enjoying the traditional sweet … [Read more…]
Dear Friends, I’m delighted to let you know that in addition to the services already announced for Christmas we will be celebrating Vespers on Christmas Eve. The service will begin at 6:00 p.m. on December 24th. All are, of course, welcome! Fr Ian
Sunday 28 July we will gather after Liturgy for the annual fundraising BBQ! Bring a good appetite, a picnic blanket, and childrens’ lawn games if you like (no hard balls though as there are windows nearby!) Jimmy X and family sponsor this popular event every year, and all donations go to support parish activities. See the Facebook event for … [Read more…]
1. This coming Sunday (March 24th) the Annunciation Parish will celebrate its Patronal Feast. There will be a bring and share lunch after the Liturgy, to which all are invited. 2. Also on Sunday, which is the first Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, we shall have the traditional Pan-Orthodox Vespers, at which … [Read more…]
At the request of His Eminence Archbishop Nikitas the services tomorrow will begin earlier than usual. Matins will start at 9:00, so the Divine Liturgy will begin at about 10:15. The lunch will therefore be soon after 12, allowing His Eminence time to be sociable before he has to return to London.
Dear Friends, This coming Sunday, February 18th, we are to have the blessing of a visit from His Eminence, Archbishop Nikitas. The Archbishop will be arriving during Matins (Orthros) and will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy with us for the first time since his installation. His Eminence has expressed a wish to meet with members of … [Read more…]
You are invited to a special coffee hour after this Monday’s celebration of Matins (10am), Liturgy (11am) & Doxology (12.45). Fr Ian will bless the vasilopites, followed by mulled wine and a fundraising raffle in the House of Ss Gregory & Macrina! Please bring a vasilopita if you have time to bake (easy recipes are available … [Read more…]
On Sunday 29 October we will hold a bring-and-share lunch at St Gregory’s House (1 Canterbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6LU) for all Newcomers to Oxford whether you are a student or a family, whether you work in Oxford or nearby. It is open of course to all our parishioners as well. The lunch will take … [Read more…]
A panel discussion and book launch of the new edition of Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe by our parishioner Professor Renée Hirschon Philippakis takes place at St Antony’s College, Oxford at 5pm on Wednesday, 25 October.