Visit by Archbishop Nikitas – 18 February

Dear Friends,

This coming Sunday, February 18th, we are to have the blessing of a visit from His Eminence, Archbishop Nikitas.

The Archbishop will be arriving during Matins (Orthros) and will be celebrating the Divine Liturgy with us for the first time since his installation.

His Eminence has expressed a wish to meet with members of the community afterwards, and so there will be a bring and share lunch in St Gregory’s House after the service, to which all are invited.

A reminder of our service times: Matins begins at 9:15, and the Liturgy at 10:30.

If you are able to help with the lunch please contact Roula Thomas ( who is coordinating it.

I look forward to seeing all of you at this notable event for our community.

With my love to you all,

Fr Ian